
Conceived in 2018 by brothers Miguel & Francis Estilong,  OUTLAWS  is a high-street, contemporary clothing brand based out of Vancouver, B.C. Working alongside the in-house creative team, OUTLAWS aims to re-imagine the generational outlaw while referencing personal narratives & traditional design. 

Taking inspiration from, but not limited to the OUTLAWS of the old-west, the basis of the outlaw” is not protected by social norms or views. This individual isn't afraid to stray from the pack in order to find their true identity. 

OUTLAWS aims to explore individuality by transforming classical design elements into handmade garments all made in-house. Garments that bring a modern yet classic feel, unique to OUTLAWS.

With an ever-growing collective of bandits, we are pleased to accompany you on your journey to becoming a true


The Outlaws team from left to right: Michael Parrenas, Miguel Estilong, Francis Estilong and Deion Ramos


  1. one that is unconventional or rebellious

  2. a person, group, or thing excluded from the benefits and protection of the law.

  3. a person who refuses to be governed by the established rules or practices of any group; rebel; nonconformist: